The Secret of Life is Enjoying the Passage of Time - James Taylor

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Congratulations! Somehow you have landed on this page. To be honest, as I'm adding content I'm not exactly sure what this website will become or why I'm even compelled to create it. And yet here it is.

All of us, including you, have so many thoughts, ideas, expressions and frustrations that we never share with anyone else. Maybe we're afraid they won't be accepted, " it's too far out there" or no one will really understand. I get it. For most of my adult life my mind has been occupied by some interesting ideas and concepts. I'm not exactly sure where they come from or why they enter my conscious mind but there's no question they're there. I've written some down in journals that are scattered all over my house. (most were started and never completed) The majority of the time I simply kept them to myself. "It's part of life, it's how our minds work and they're not important". That's how I've handled them in the past. That was then and this is now.

I've decided, even if they don't seem to matter in the moment or have any "true" meaning, who am I to decide they're not important. These thoughts, ideas & expressions have to be of some value or have meaning to someone or someone's reality or they wouldn't have come to me. Maybe we're all conduits of conscious that only improves when unexpectedly shared with another random person. Let's be honest, we all waste so much of our life in so many ways. I've decided not to waste these things. I'm going to put them down for others to see and react in whatever way they feel is appropriate. I truly believe life is about exploring your world, both physical and mental. If you've somehow been directed to this page there may be a reason. You may find something here that you like, it might help you acknowledge a part of your own life, both positive and negative, that has now become a little clearer. Or this is a complete waste of your "google" time and you click "back" never to return. That action also gave you insight into what you're NOT looking for. I don't know what any of this is about but I've decided to share my ideas, emotions, thoughts and dreams with whomever stumbles upon this page.

I believe in fate, destiny and being true to what life brings your way. If you're open to exploring the many different opportunities and experiences that are presented to you I think you'll have an interesting ride. Speaking from experience, when I just let go and stop trying to control my life it's always been a better ride. I'm not saying it's always been easy, I'm saying it's been better.

Something brought you to this page, "AI", as we are discovering, is very powerful and becoming much more prevalent in our lives. Your Google "AI" search may have decided this was where you needed to be. Look around and see if anything rings a bell or sounds an alarm. Either way enjoy the ride.

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On Dec. 26, 2004 a 9.1 earthquake off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra triggered a deadly tsunami which ravaged the coasts of several countries of South and Southeast Asia.

My wife, a TV news anchor, spent the day reporting on the devastation and heartbreak of thousands of people who had struggled to survive, only to realize their families had literally been swept away by the same sea which had given their town and families life.

Late that same night as I passed by my little boy's room, I saw my wife holding him, stroking his golden hair and weeping from the pain of the day. I was moved by her compassion, love and the connection she shares with all woman around the world, who feel the pain and anguish of grieving Mother's they've never met. It is an example of universal love in it's purest form.
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This boy who sleeps so sweetly, so quietly, so content, just opened his eyes and smiled at me, then back to sleep he went. He must have sensed me standing there, longing for his touch, his warm arms wrapped around me, consumed by his honest hug. My day has been so long and sad, reporting the devastating pain, of parents standing where families once lived, praying they will hold their children again. For them, I pick up my son and run my fingers through his golden hair. I pull him close, kiss his cheek, and whisper a mother's prayer. Let me always feel the kindness, that radiates from his heart. Let me see his smile on a stranger's face when we must be apart. Let his laughter fill the air wherever children play. Let him know…no matter where he is… he is loved today. This boy who sleeps so sweetly, so quietly, so content, just opened his eyes and smiled at me, then back to sleep he went. -Dean N. Grevé

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1989 Time Machine in Seattle KOMO-TV
1994 Time Machine in Seattle KOMO-TV
Enjoy the Moment -
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I start each day when his eyes open when the world comes into view. My mood is set by his smile, and then a yawn or two. We'll start this day like all the rest with a gentle hug and a kiss. As the years fly by, it's moments like these parents say they always miss.

It's really about the simple things.

Our trip to school is filled with conversation, music, and laughter. I don't remember what we talked about but it made the trip much faster. Why do we have a middle name? Why do you throw left-handed? Who's the most famous person you know? What's your favorite sandwich?

It's really about the simple things.

It's not a handful of memories or faded photos on a page, that shape a child's life with every passing age. It's the thousands of forgotten moments, days just like today.

Life is really about the simple things you do TOGETHER every day.

- Dean N. Grevé
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There are markers around us throughout our lives. It's not enough to simply recognize them, or "see" them. It's more important that we try to understand their meaning.

These markers are, many times, cloudy when they're in front of us but clearly visible when we look back. Remember, they are easily seen in our past because we helped illuminate them as our lives moved forward. They become clear reminders of what life was or what could have been.

So what do they mean in the moment of discovery? How can we know what we're supposed to do?

Trust your heart, listen to your soul and realize life isn't predetermined and it's never perfect. This is your moment to shine your light on another option or opportunity. Focus on it wherever you think is best. It's not a matter of right or wrong. Life is about seeing the possibilities and moving forward.

It's always helpful to look back to see where you've been. Then focus on what's in front of you and enjoy the journey of discovering what's ahead. You can't get there standing still.
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Home is not a building or a specific place "T", home is the space between our hearts, shared in quiet moments together.

May my arms always hold you, never restrict you, constantly push you to new heights, pull you up when life drags you down, and catch you when you fall. I will always be within your reach. Standing nowhere specific, holding everything that's important, wanting nothing more than this simple time with you.

The setting sun reminds me, life has limits but at times seems endless. I feel you breath, I admire your youth and your unobstructed path. The road before you is wide, your choices plentiful, your direction still unknown.

Life was never meant to be a single path or smooth paved road. Don't panic if you find yourself in a place you didn't expect. Embrace it for what it is…it may lead you on an incredible, enlightening journey. Wherever it takes you, always remember you're there for a reason. As you get older, open your arms, your heart and soul to new ideas and opportunities. When my arms are no longer there to hold you, honor me by embracing all that is good in your life, family and love. Never push away an opportunity to love and ALWAYS put your family first. -Dad
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Let me talk to you without saying a word so you understand how I truly feel.

Listen to me, as I gaze into your eyes. Then answer my silent questions with an instinctive touch.

We've always known what to say in the stillness of the night.

Passion is best expressed when the voice is silent.

- Dean N. Grevé
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